The Invisible

Clear alternatives to metal braces

Orthodontists are concerned with the study and treatment of malocclusions (improper bites), which may be a result of tooth irregularity and/or disproportionate jaw relationships. Orthodontic treatment can focus on dental displacement only, or can deal with the control and modification of facial growth, which can result in straightened teeth, a beautiful smile and a harmonized face. There is an increasing demand for orthodontic treatment for children and adults for a better smile.

Straightened teeth and proportionate jaw help make dental cleaning easier and prevent dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, chewing and digestive difficulties, temporal mandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, among others. Having healthy teeth and proper jaw alignment also lead to efficient chewing function, preventing possible symptoms of TMJ disease such as: chronic headache and facial or neck pain.

For children, the treatment can help dental displacement, cross-bite to guide the growth of the jaw and permanent teeth eruption. For adults, orthodontic treatment can straighten crooked teeth, correct excessive overbite and/ or underbite. With orthodontic treatment, dramatic changes in a person’s smile and profile can be positive, bringing a beautiful smile, increasing self-confidence and in turn, a sense of wellbeing. Orthodontic treatment usually lasts from 1.5 to 2.5 years, depending on the growth of a patient’s mouth and face as well as the severity of the problem.

What are braces?

Dental braces are devices used in orthodontics that align and straighten teeth and help to position them with regard to a person’s bite. Currently, metal braces or ceramic braces are popularly used in dental clinics. These braces have a metal bracket with elastic ties holding the wire onto the metal brackets. However, braces can be an obstacle for those who have jobs where appearance and voice are important, such as singers, actors and flight attendants. Thanks to modern technology and recent achievements in orthodontics, Align Technology has developed Invisalign, which uses transparent and incremental aligners to adjust teeth. Invisalign is a custom made series of aligners made of smooth, comfortable and virtually invisible plastics to wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift teeth into place, based on the exact movements that the dentist plans out for you with ClinCheck software. Unlike traditional braces, each aligner will be replaced every two weeks, and the number of trays may vary depending on the severity of each case.

Without metal brackets to attach and wires to tighten, satisfying cosmetic demand and self-confidence for daily communication as well as teeth cleaning, Invisalign has become a popular option for those who require orthodontic treatment. Below are some advantages of using Invisalign over ordinary braces:

– Cosmetics: Invisalign aligners are invisible so most people won’t even know you are straightening your teeth.

– Foreseeable treatment plan and results: By using ClinCheck software, Invisalign allows patients to clearly see the treatment process and expected results.

– Easy to use: The aligners are easy to wear and take out when eating or brushing your teeth.

– Save chair time: Having no metal brackets to attach and no wires to tighten like traditional braces, Invisalign allows you and your dentist to save time spent in the dental clinic.

To guarantee a smooth treatment process and accuracy when manufacturing aligner trays, professional, well-trained orthodontists are absolutely required. They must be Invisalign certified doctors who have undertaken Invisalign training and own an Invisalign certificate. They can give you a detailed consultation and evaluate if Invisalign is right for you.

Bio: Tran Hung Lam, Ph.D. graduated from the Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University. After receiving his PhD from the University of Mediterranean, Marseille, France in 2007, he became Head of Prosthodontics Department at Elite Dental Group ( vn). Dr. Lam has successfully presented clinical cases of Implant at ICOI conference (Hamburg, Germany). He holds a Diplomate of the ICOI – the highest rank of ICOI member

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