Tetiquette: The Do’s and Don’ts of Tet

Here’s Oi’s helpful guide to the customs of New Year… wise up and chances are you won’t unwittingly put your foot in it later this month…. Like many Southeast Asians, the Vietnamese would not consider making a major decision, whether it involved marriage or building a house, without considering the lunar calendar and consulting an astrologer, psychic or fortune teller. This … Read more

Can foreigners buy homes in Vietnam?

Oi’s legal columnists Hadrien Wolff and Marijn Sprokkereef explain what the new real estate law means for foreigners… Dear Hadrien and Marijn,  I’m an expat who’s been living here for the last seven years. My wife is Vietnamese-American, born in Vietnam but moved to the US at the age of five. As we find our life … Read more