Pet of the Month

Why you should adopt a senior or older dog

By adopting an older you are fighting for the value and beauty of life at all ages and stages. Most older dogs have already mastered training basics. They know outdoors is for potty, and shoes are for walking, not chewing. A senior dog has learned many of life’s lessons already, and they are quick to understand what you’re asking from them. Older dogs are a known commodity, easy to assess for size and temperament. You won’t be wondering just exactly how big they’ll grow. While many older dogs still enjoy a brisk daily walk, they’re also content to nap and cuddle, and they can fit into many households with ease. Most grownup dogs don’t require the constant monitoring, so they’re a good choice for older people or busy families with young children. Older dog are eager to learn new tricks. That may go against what you’ve heard in the past, but it’s true. Dogs can be trained at any age. A senior dog, given a new chance for a loving home, will reward your care with unwavering devotion and do their best to please you, which makes teaching new tricks pretty easy.

Rocky is estimated to be between 8-10 years old. His previous owner was going to “terminate” him, but a kind- hearted person saved him and ARC took him in. He’s very friendly to humans, but he’s not a big fan of other male dogs. If you can provide him a nice cozy retirement home, he’d love you for life. If you’d like to meet him, please contact

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