7 Helpful Tips for Moms Returning to Work

Returning to work is a challenge for most new moms. Besides leaving your little one alone for the first time, you also need to face going back to your work routine. Many doubts can start popping in your mind. Thoughts such as “Can I do this?”, “Will my child be okay without me?”, “Will I be good at my job again?” can trouble everyone. There are so many things you need to work out that it can feel really overwhelming.

However, there is no need for worries. You can have it all, but you need to put some effort into it. Adjustment takes time and you will have to accept that. What can make the transition less worrying and stressful are some useful tips and tricks. Here is what all moms who are getting back to work need to know.

1. Arm Yourself with Positive Thoughts

No one can tell you that this will be easy. What people can tell you is that your mindset determines the quality of your life. Hardships are a regular part of the life cycle and you need to accept them.

If you are scared to leave your child alone just think about their future. Visualize how proud they will be to have a mother who is giving her best to ensure a good life for them. Your work affects your child’s future.

Remember how you were when you were working. Evoke that ambition and desire to earn money for your family. Remember your job and why you like doing what you do. Yes, you are a mother, but that doesn’t mean that your professional passion needs to disaster.

2. Create a Plan

Your lifestyle will certainly change. In order to avoid a big mess, confusion, and impossible schedule, plan ahead.

Figure out what type of job you can return to. Maybe you can consider working from home, or part-time jobs. If not, you should think about searching for a more flexible schedule.

Organize everything you need to keep your child taken care of while you are not around. Planning will minimize the risk of unplanned, stressful situations. Be objective about your possibilities. Stretching yourself too thin will negatively affect each part of your life.

3. Find a Reliable Childcare

A paper on American Women Workers in Full Employment Economy says that “quality child care at an affordable price is basic if the working mother is to meet her job responsibilities without neglecting her children.” You won’t be able to give your best at work if you aren’t sure that you are leaving your child at capable hands.

Ask members of your family, friends, or friends’ children if they can help you out. It will certainly be more affordable than a professional nanny. However, make sure that the person is responsible enough for this big task.

If your budget allows you to take your child to a daycare, give that a try. There must be at least one daycare near you that is professional and trustworthy.

4. Improve Your Skills

Spending time away from work and being focused solely on your child can change your perspective. You might feel that you have fallen behind in the business world. That isn’t a reason to doubt yourself. That is a motivation to get out there are empower your skills.

With a variety of online courses, e-books, and industry news, you can catch up on everything in no time. It is essential that you update yourself on any innovations in your niche.

Online courses can help you in different ways. Besides acquiring new skills, you will show your potential employers that you were active during your time off.

5. Write an Impeccable CV and Cover Letter

The first impression is very important. Your first impression on your potential employers will be your CV and cover letter.

Put some effort into writing an amazing CV that will take the attention of your employment gap and direct it towards your expertise. The resume should be up-to-date and the cover letter should emphasize why you are the best fit for that company.

If you need help with transforming your thoughts into well-written content, use writing services like TrustMyPaper or ClassyEssay. It is unacceptable that a CV has writing and grammar errors. To prevent that, use an editing tool like Grammarly.

In case your employment gap was longer, transform that period into a valuable experience. Feel free to add a job title for stay at home parents like Full-time Carer and Household Manager and Full-time Parent. Mention skills that you actively used like:

  • Multitasking
  • Organizing
  • Managing conflict
  • Scheduling

6. Activate Your Professional Social Media Profiles

Nowadays, most employers head to the internet to ensure that their potential employees are responsible and presentable. That’s why you need to update your professional social media profiles.

LinkedIn can especially useful during the job search. This network has over 660 million members and it spans over 200 countries. Some employers even browse for employees on this social media platform.

Social media channels are your chance to get back to networking, connect to important people, and find employment.

7. Remember: You Got This!

If you don’t believe in yourself, this transition will be much more troublesome. Be persistent, don’t give up easily, and don’t be so hard on yourself.

Regularly communicate with your family. They are your back up and you’ll need someone to talk to from time to time. Find your support group in the people you love the most.

One last tip is to be confident and know your rights. You shouldn’t expect discrimination but knowing your right will help you position yourself if you come across it. Go ahead and read Laws Enforced by EEOC to have a better understanding of the current laws.

Erica Sunarjo is a professional writer and editor with a Master’s degree in Marketing and Social Media. She writes thought-provoking articles for publications in a variety of media. Currently, she works as a content editor at BestEssayEducation and as a writer at Supreme Dissertations. Erica aims to provide people with useful tips that will improve their business and the quality of their life.

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