How to take care of your eyelashes and lashes

Do you find yourself spending too much time on your lashes? Do they keep falling out, or are they thinking? You’re not alone. There are so many things that can cause this, but there is one thing you should know: lash extensions. We have all the info for you to take care of your eyelashes and lashes: When it comes to taking care of your lashes, you might think that all you need is a mascara wand and some primer. However, there are certain things that you should be aware of to keep them healthy and well-groomed for the long haul. Read on to know more.

How to take care of your eyelashes:

Eyelashes are very delicate. They are one of the most delicate parts of our body, next to hair and nails. Because they are so easy to damage, you must take care of them with proper care to be healthy and happy. Here is how you can do just that.

  1. Conditioning treatment for your lashes: You can make a conditioning treatment at home to keep your lashes healthy. All you need is some extra virgin olive oil and castor oil. Mix it in equal amounts before adding one drop of lavender or tea tree essential oils. You can also use any other essential oils that you like. Apply this mixture with an eyeliner brush on the lashes only. Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning. This is a great regimen to strengthen your lashes over time by nourishing them from the root.
  2. Don’t use oil-based makeup removers when taking care of your lashes. It is because oil can make the lash follicles brittle, causing them to break or fall off. For best results when taking care of your eyelashes, you should choose waterproof mascara. Darker colours tend to hold better than lighter ones.

Be gentle when removing eye makeup with a towel. Fold the towel in half and gently wipe the lashes going from the base going up to remove all your eye makeup without rubbing or tugging harshly.

  1. Consider using a lash brush! It is perfect for getting into corners and around each lash, giving you extra coverage.
  2. Do not use any oil-based products during the lash extension process or bonding phase. It can cause them to fall out or, worse, damage them!
  3. Well, you need a good moisturizer for this! Deep hydrating masks and intense serums can help with this.
  4. If you want epic lashes, try using a lash enhancing serum! Lash serums are designed to make the growth and enhancement process faster and more effective and can be left on overnight without causing damage. They also contain natural ingredients like Keratin, Vitamin A and E, and Biotin to strengthen your lashes and keep them healthy. It would be best to use it at least 2-3 times a week for maximum effect, but do not apply it more than once daily or before bedtime to avoid damage.

How to take care of falsies: While it is normal for your lashes to fall out after the lash extension process, you should know that overusing this method to lengthen your lashes can cause thinning and breakage. So please take care of your falsies along with your natural eyelashes.

  1. Remove the glue remaining on the band before putting them on; if any residue is left, it can cause infections and damage to the skin around your eyes. For this reason, you must always clean your lashes before wearing them.
  2. False lashes need to be replaced every three months, so you should always have a new pair on hand! You can store these in the fridge if they’re not being used at the time, but don’t forget that they need to be kept safe from moisture and air, which will damage them.
  3. False lashes can be a significant investment, but there are many tricks to extend their life and make them last longer; for example, you can coat the lash band with either clear or brown mascara before applying it to make the glue grip better. Another option is using a lash curler on both sides of the lashes.
  4. When applying false lashes, use tweezers for better grip and avoid glue on your fingers, making the application much harder. Or you can youtube an eyelash extensions tutorial for expert tips and tricks for a perfect eyelash finishing look.
  5. If you want a super bold look, go for two sets of falsies! Use black lash glue and attach one set right above the natural lashes and then apply another set of lashes on top of that. It will make your eyes pop even more and look gorgeous at the same time!
  6. If you want to wear your falsies for a more extended period, add some saline solution on top of them (maybe add this before the glue), and it’ll prolong their lifetime. You can also use water but make sure that it’s not too hot, or the bond could come off.
  7. If you’re having trouble with your falsies (they’re curling up badly), use this trick! Grab them with tweezers and dip them in ice-cold water before applying – the lashes will soon be back to their original shape. Consider Paris Lash Academy where you can store your eyelash extension tweezers safely.You can also use a hair-dryer for this purpose.

Some extra tips: Brush your lashes gently with a clean mascara wand to remove excess dirt and oils. Apply a lash primer before applying mascara for better adhesion, or try an eyelash serum for even more intense results. Use the right mascara formula – volumizing formulas are best for adding volume to thin lashes while lengthening procedures are great if you’re looking to add length. Keep your makeup tools clean by washing them regularly in soap and water. Remove eye makeup with oil-based remover instead of just wiping it off with cotton balls or tissues. Finally, apply a primer to help lashes stay curled and avoid clumping. If you’re using an eyelash curler, place it at the very base of your eye and squeeze until you hear a click sound.

Conclusion: armed with these tips, you can take care of your eyelashes as well as your falsies. It would be best to take care of your eyelashes to have healthy, growing, natural eyelash lines. Most of it depends on what products you are using on them. So with clean falsies, you know you are taking care of your eyelashes as well.

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