Parvo Prevention

Parvo, the number one infectious disease in Vietnam What is feline parvo virus? Feline parvovirus is a leading cause of death in cats in Vietnam. The disease is also called feline distemper or felin panleucopenia virus. While cats of any age may be infected with the feline parvovirus, young kittens, sick cats and unvaccinated cats … Read more


Spotting allergies in dogs and cats Just like people, dogs and cats can have or develop allergies at any time in their lives. Unfortunately, allergies are quite common in dogs and cats of all breeds and backgrounds. Most allergies appear after the pet is six months of age, with the majority over age one or … Read more

Matters of the Heart

What do you need to know about heart disease in dogs? Heart disease is an unfortunate but tolerable condition for your dog. The heart is the most important organ in your dog’s body. It pumps blood containing oxygen and nutrients through the blood vessels to the cells of the body. Most heart conditions involve a … Read more

Common Pet Emergencies, Part Two

It can be quite frightening to see your pet suffering, especially if you are unsure if the situation should be considered an emergency. When in doubt, always contact your veterinarian or the nearest animal hospital. But to hopefully better prepare you, here are 6 of the most common pet emergencies found in emergency veterinary hospitals … Read more

Vet Visit

5 questions every pet owner should ask their vet We all love our pets and work hard to keep them healthy and happy, but sometimes we don’t know where to start. Working together with your trusted vet is a vital part of being proactive about preventative health. Here are some important questions we can ask to learn more about our pets. 1) … Read more