Hoola Hoola launched its Saigon flagship store at Vivo City last month. Hoola Hoola handbags are designed and made in Italy, and customers get to pick different accessories and combine them to make their own unique handbag. All the handbags are made of a patented material, which is light, washable and waterproof. The accessories are made of different materials including leather, fabrics and nylon.
Founder and CEO Antonio Miscellaneo says the interchangeable design concept sets Hoola Hoola bags apart, “Our idea is to present women with accessible quality fashion bags that can change with their lifestyle and look. We want the Hoola Hoola customer to feel empowered by the infinite possibilities of the different styles they can create with our handbags.”
Hoola Hoola
2nd Floor, SC Vivo City, 1058 Nguyen Van Linh, D7