Empowering Tips for Life

Life is a constant flow of ups and down, and it can get challenging to ride the waves. Here are a few ideas how to bring out the best of yourself:

Daily habits to empower you

Your past. Why is it crucial to forgive and accept your past as it is? Because only then are you able to maximize your present. You should mourn past events and contacts, and move on with the attitude of what can I do now to make my life better. Do your best to keep quality connections only, and CUT the rest. You are becoming like the closest people to you.

Plan daily. Write a to do and not to do list every day, include your non-negotiables, and train your mind to get the best out of work. You should be able to say no to good things so you can say yes to the best things. Practice saying no. As technology is advancing at a rapid rate, our education system and planning methods need adjustment.

Assume leadership. Place yourself in the driver seat of your life by protecting yourself from outside forces like social media, the greatest distractor today. You should strive to get dopamine from real-life events, spending time with family, friends, meeting new people, and serving various causes. Hire a coach or mentor, if needed; work on your shortcomings with an accountable person. Your growth will be worth the pain.

 Strengthen your focus. Tame your distraction muscles. Try not to use your smartphone within the first hour of the day, it puts your brain into a reactive mode which you want to avoid.

In this mode, you would fulfill others’ needs before your own. If people in your life respect your time, will understand, and won’t ask you to do differently. Watch out for people who do!

How to create habits for success

Morning routine. By not allowing texts and emails to distract you in the morning, you let go of controlling everything and disempower them to set a negative mood for your day. Prioritize and list the three most important things that you want to accomplish that day; follow them up.

Reading muscles. Just as important to work on them, as strengthening our body. It’s up to you to integrate reading into your morning routine or any time during the day. Most people do it in the mornings or evenings. Reading grants you fast access to decades of experience of others. Set yourself an achievable target like 30 pages a day with a break of 1 or 2 days weekly. This way you can finish a book in a month with a busy schedule. Reading enhances your strategic skills.

Completion. Begin with the results you want to achieve. Complete the first thing on your list out of the three, before having a break and checking your phone. Don’t lose power by giving up your sovereignty to something outside of yourself. These include losing focus, being absent-minded, forgetting about things, and buying unnecessary things.

The cost of not remembering. Forgetting important information, such as names and details you need to know about family and co-workers can cost you a lot. Declutter your mind and surroundings, take notes if necessary. Stick to the narrow path; keep focusing on things you want to achieve. Dedicate your time spent on social media to nourish relationships. If we knew how much time we lose on social media, it would blow our minds.

Stretching your muscles. You should not only train the muscles of your mind and body but also stretch them regularly. The daily regime of stretching your body for 15 minutes and your mind for 30 minutes endows you with flexibility and strength against challenges. Stretching your mind also means you can have anything you want if you set the right goals and priorities, and work with no distractions for your dreams. Nothing can stop you if you follow these steps.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Rise to Challenges

Excuses. We often have the excuse of not having enough time to read or exercise. But it all comes down to setting the right goals and prioritizing them well, instead of trying to manage your time. How can success be measured? By how much you can contribute and inspire others. How can you impact others to bring out their best?

Taking a break. Wait with rest until the end of an important project, not to get side-tracked. If you keep a significant break in the middle, it’s hard to get back on track. You also get slower if you read or learn at a slower pace, the longer you take to accomplish a task, the more side-tracked you get in the process, sabotaging yourself. It will also take longer to get results.

Think on a collective level. Being social creatures, you have to be willing to put yourself in the shoes of others and understand what presses their buttons. On the other hand, you should also have the audacity to play the tough game if necessary, using your talent to serve the big picture. The more you respect yourself, the more others can respect you.

Trials, challenges, and failures are a necessity. Accept life’s imperfections, and never allow any negativity to interfere on your road to success. You will grow and appreciate the lessons more, than just living a life without them. When life gets super tough, you can always write a better plan, a road map, or create a vision board to actualize the things you want.

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Relationships. Being authentic and accepting is key for healthy relationships. Accept the ups and downs of your relationships. Give as much as you can; remember it takes your mind the same amount of energy to think happy and negative thoughts. The best thing you can tell your spouse and child is no matter your faults/scores at school, I’m gonna love you anyway.

 Life requires tenacious persistence to go through with somebody or something faithfully. People are in our lives for a good reason, to further develop together. If you keep your mind on the right track and face your limits, the world eventually becomes your oyster.

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